Last Friday we headed up to Maryland to visit my sister-in-law and have a festive Holiday weekend. I've been wanting to visit DC during the Christmas season for 3 years now, basically since she moved there. (She lives in Frederick which is a super charming town and a short drive to DC) We finally found a weekend when everyone was off and made it happen! (my sister drove in from Pittsburgh too!) So here's a little (but lengthy) recap...

Of course I was watching the weather all week and it was looking pretty good... chilly but good. And then out of nowhere, they were calling for snow! I think they were calling for 1-3 inches or something and for this Buffalo girl, that's nothing! But for VA/MD, that can really screw things up!
Luckily, it really wasn't that bad (just a light dusting), but it did change our plans a bit.
Or maybe I over thought all the things we could do, in a short period of time...
On Saturday, we were originally going to go to DC to check out The White House and/or the National Harbor to check out a Rudolph ice sculpture display. But with the snow, the time (my sis got in a little late), we were all a little tired, and I didn't want to leave Bosco alone for too long, we just stayed around Frederick. I wasn't that bummed because I really do love that little downtown - you seriously feel like your in a Hallmark movie. We hit up a few little shops, listened to carolers, got a bite to eat and pretty much called it a night.
On Sunday, I finally made it to DC and The White House....

and I was so happy to finally check it off my bucket list! :)
We started off at The Wharf (waterfront area) which would be cool to see when it's warm (and when more things open!) and walked to the National Mall to check out Washington Monument and then headed to the White House.
But to be honest, I was a little underwhelmed with the National Christmas tree. I know! I hate even saying it... idk, maybe not the tree itself. I think it was more of the display as a whole. They have a little village and trains around it and it just looked so disheveled and thrown together. There are also 57 little Christmas trees (representing the states and territories) that circle the big tree and many of those looked kinda sad. We even walked back after dinner to check it out with the lights and of course they we're having technical issues and couldn't get it to light! That seriously is my luck these days! I've seen pictures of it in the dark and it looks really beautiful!
Maybe my expectations were too high? Have any of you seen it before? What did you think? I'm really glad I saw it though! And I do want to see it again!

From there, we walked on over to DC CityCenter to grab a bite to eat and warm up a bit. Brandon was also glad because he got to watch the last quarter of the Bills game! haha
I was really impressed with the tree and lights there! It looked so magical and straight out of a postcard or something! At this point, most of the shops were closing and to be honest way over my budget (hello Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Hermes!) and we were all getting tired and cold. We had left Bosco for about 5 hours already but since it was getting dark we went back to check out the National Tree all lit up.... but it wasn't and they didn't know when or if it would turn on (they had to call an electrician) so we decided to call it a night and head home.
Bosco was alone for about 7 hours (which is longer than I wanted) but he was a good pup! No accidents either (we've had a few recently) and he was so excited to get his donut hole! Yes he gets donuts and loves them! Not all the time, but on a long day like that, he deserves one!

So all in all, it was a good weekend! A little cold for my now Southern blood, but a really good weekend! I didn't get to see/do everything (like the Holiday Market, the Tidal Basin or that Rudolph ice display, even a quick stop at Ikea) but we did get to spend time with our sisters and that's what really matters!
And after I re-read this post, I feel like I complained a lot! haha I was a little bummed at somethings but I'm glad I got to see the White House and National Tree! And I definitely want to see it again!
And next time, maybe not plan so many things in such a short time frame.
If you made to the end, congrats! haha
So, have you ever over-planned a weekend or vacation?
Have you ever seen the White House or National Christmas tree? What did you think?
Join the conversation!
This makes me want to visit DC in the winter. I went to DC two years ago in the springtime. DC looks so pretty in the spring and winter.
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